[1] 主持,国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于编码激励与自适应波束形成的骨关节超声成像评价方法研究”(No. 11874289)

[2] 主持,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“超声背散射法评价松质骨各向异性微结构的方法研究”(No.11504057)

[3] 主持,中国博士后科学基金“超声在各向异性松质骨中背散射机制的研究”(No. 2015M571490)

[4] 主持,同济大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金-学科交叉类“基于医学超声成像技术的灌注桩桩位溶洞探测方法研究”(No. 02302150002)

[5] 主持,同济大学青年优秀人才培养行动计划“各向异性骨质超声背散射评价标准的研究”   

[1] 第47届日内瓦国际发明展览会,金奖, 项目名称:骨超声诊疗仪(排名7/8)

[2] 2019年第21届中国国际工业博览会高校展区特等奖

[3] 2018年度上海市科学技术奖自然科学奖,二等奖, 项目名称:超声评价骨骼的理论及方法研究(排名4/5)

[4] 2018年第20届中国国际高新技术成果交易会“优秀产品奖”

[5] 2017年西安-上海声学学会第五届声学 学术交流会议 优秀报告奖

[6] 2016年度教育部科学技术进步奖,二等奖, 项目名称:骨骼系统超声诊断的新方法、仪器及应用 (排名3/10)

[7] 2016年度同济大学青年优秀人才培养行动计划

[8] 2013年上海市物理学会“上海高校研究生创新论坛”一等奖

[1] Chengcheng Liu, Boyi Li, Qiangqiang Diwu, et al. Relationships of ultrasonic backscatter with bone densities and microstructure in bovine cancellous bone. IEEE transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control. 2018, 65(12):2311-2321 (Highlight paper/期刊推荐文章).

[2] Chengcheng Liu, Rui Dong, Boyi Li, Ying Li, et al. Ultrasonic backscatter characterization of cancellous bone using a general Nakagami statistical model. Chinese Physics B. 2019,28(2):024302 (Highlight paper/期刊推荐文章).

[3] Chengcheng Liu, Rong Zhang, Ying Li, et al. An ultrasonic backscatter instrument for cancellous bone evaluation in neonates. Engineering. 2015, 1(3): 336-343. (Highlight paper/期刊推荐文章).

[4] Chengcheng Liu, Boyi Li, Ying Li, et al. Ultrasonic backscatter difference measurement of bone health in preterm and term newborns. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology.2020,46(2):305-314.

[5] 东蕊, 刘成成*, 蔡勋兵等. 超声背散射骨质评价中的频散衰减测量与补偿. 物理学报, 2019,18:184301-1:8

[6] Ying Li, Boyi Li, Yifang Li, Chengcheng Liu*, et al. The ability of ultrasonic backscatter parametric imaging to characterize bovine trabecular bone. Ultrasonic imaging, 2019, 41(5):271-289

[7] Chen Jiang, Yunqing Li, Boyi Li, Chengcheng Liu*, et al. Ray theory based transcranial phase correction for intracranial imaging: A phantom study. IEEE Access, 2019,7:163013-163021

[8] Xingxing Chou, Feng Xu, Ying Li, Chengcheng Liu*, et al. Variability in ultrasound backscatter induced by trabecular microstructure deterioration in cancellous bone. BioMed Research International, 2018, 4786329:1-7.

[9] Chengcheng Liu, Dean Ta, Tao Tang, et al. Measurement of human calcaneus in vivo using ultrasonic backscatter spectral centroid shift. J Ultrasound Med. 2016, 35(10): 2197-2208.

[10] Chengcheng Liu, Tao Tang, Dean Ta, et al. Signal of interest selection standard for ultrasonic backscatter in cancellous bone evaluation. Ultrasound in Med & Biol. 2015, 41(10): 2714-2721.

[11] Chengcheng Liu, Dean Ta, Bo Hu, et al. The analysis and compensation of cortical thickness effect on ultrasonic backscatter signals in cancellous bone. J Appl Phys. 2014, 116(12), 124903.

[12] Chengcheng Liu, Dean Ta, Fuminori Fujita, et al. The relationship between ultrasonic backscatter and trabecular anisotropic microstructure in cancellous bone. J Appl Phys. 2014, 115(6), 064906.

[13] Chengcheng Liu, Haijie Han, Dean Ta, et al. Effect of selected signals of interest on ultrasonic backscattering measurement in cancellous bones. Sci China-Phys Mech Astron. 2013, 56(7): 1310-1316.

[14] Yunqi Jiang, Chengcheng Liu, Ruoyu Li, et al. Analysis of apparent integrated backscatter coefficient and backscattered spectral centroid shift in calcaneus in vivo for the ultrasonic evaluation of osteoporosis. Ultrasound in Med & Biol. 2014, 40(6): 1307-1317. 

[15] Rong Zhang, Dean Ta, Chengcheng Liu, et al. Feasibility of bone assessment with ultrasonic backscatter signals in neonates. Ultrasound in Med & Biol. 2013, 39(10): 1751-1759. 

[16] Tao Tang, Chengcheng Liu, Feng Xu, et al. Correlation between the combination of apparent integrated backscatter and spectral centroid shift and bone mineral density. J Med Ultrason. 2016, 43(2): 167-173. 

[17] Chengcheng Liu, Dean Ta, Weiqi Wang. Effect of trabecular bone material properties on ultrasonic backscattering signals. Chinese J of Acoustics. 2014, 33(1): 73-82. 

[18] 刘成成, 他得安, 王威琪. 骨小梁材料特性对超声背散射信号的影响. 声学学报, 2013, 38(3): 382-388. 
