
临床分子生物学检验与肿瘤转移机制, 重点从事微流控、医工结合领域的研究,建立临床分子标志物的新检测方法,解决临床工作中的实际问题。


1. 肿瘤精准医学临床实践中的关键分子检测技术研发和转化应用(2019CXJQ03),上海市卫健委,410万元,2018.12-2023.12

2. 钙网蛋白突变体作为骨髓增殖性肿瘤检测标志物和CAR-T细胞治疗靶向抗原的应用及机制研究,国家自然科学基金(81871728)57万元,2019.1-2022.12

3. 用于骨髓增殖性肿瘤分子标志物谱检测的圆盘式微流控芯片与设备的研发,上海市科学技术委员会(18441904200),35万元,2018.4.30-2021.6.30

4. 基于LAMP 微流控芯片检测骨髓增殖性肿瘤分子标志物谱,2018年度上海市优秀学术技术带头人计划(18XD1400900),40万元,2018.05.01-2021.4.30

5. 复旦大学-中科院苏州医工所医工结合联合专项,复旦大学、中科院苏州医工所,20万元,2017.1-2017.12

6. 基于LAMP纸芯片即时检测骨髓增殖性肿瘤分子标志物谱的研究,国家自然科学基金(81672105),60万元,2017.1-2020.12


1. 2007    一种检测尿液标本中差异表达的相关蛋白的方法(吕元、关明、刘维薇、张万忠、吴忠、张元芳),专利:ZL 03 1 42055.9 第二发明人 。

2. 2014一种定量检测AKAP12甲基化水平的方法及其应用(刘维薇、关明、吕元、李敏、刘春芳、林勇),专利:ZL 200910196054.9 第二发明人。

3. 2014  JAK2 V617F 突变的检测应用(关明、吴之源、张心菊、刘维薇、陈宇明、张伟、万峻、于波),专利号(ZL 201210030473.7) 第一发明人。

4. 2015   一检测HLA B5801 等位基因的方法(邹和建、张心菊、于波、关明、张炯、骆肖群、张伟、万峻、吕元),专利号ZL 201310227137.6 第四发明人。

5. 2016 整合全血核酸提取、扩增即可视化监测肿瘤基因突变的微流控芯片及其应用(关明、汪骅、张心菊、吴之源、许笑、刘维薇、周丹秋),专利 201410554594.0   第一发明人。

6. 2019 一种快速提取全血基因组DNA的装置及其方法(关明,汪骅),专利号 201510532629.5  第一发明人。

7. 2020 一种检测CALR基因1型突变的引物组合物及试剂盒(关明、曹国君、方雪恩,唐宜桂,许笑,孔继烈,张心菊,李杨),专利号2017103638145 第一发明人。

8. 2020 一种检测CALR基因2型突变的引物组合物及试剂盒(关明、曹国君、方雪恩,唐宜桂,许笑,孔继烈,张心菊,李杨),专利号2017103642511 第一发明人。

9. 2021 一种检测CALR基因突变的内参扩增引物组合物及其扩增体系(曹国君、关明、周连群、张威、马玮哲、康志华、张心菊、黄秀、邓萱、许笑、邢志芳),专利号2017105601380 第二发明人。

1. 2020 32届上海市优秀发明选拔赛金奖

2. 2019 第三届国之名医 优秀风范奖

3. 上海市优秀学术带头人

4. 2018 复旦大学十佳医技工作者

5. 2017 2016年度中华医学会检验医学学会工作贡献奖

6. 2017 29届上海市优秀发明选拔赛银奖

7. 2016 28届上海市优秀发明选拔赛金奖

8. 2015 上海市领军人才 


1. Deng X, Ruan H, Zhang X, Xu X, Zhu Y, Peng H, Zhang X, Kong F, Guan M. Long noncoding RNA PiHL regulates p53 protein stability through GRWD1/RPL11/MDM2 axis in colorectal cancer. Theranostics 2020; 10(1):265-280

2. Wang FX, Chen K, Huang FQ, Alolga RN, Ma J, Wu ZX, Fan Y, Ma G, Guan M. Cerebrospinal fluid-based metabolomics to characterize different types of brain tumors . J Neurol, 2020, 267:984–993.

3. Hu T, Wu X, Li K, Li Y, He P, Wu Z, Fan J, Liu W, Guan M. AKAP12 Endogenous Transcripts Suppress The Proliferation, Migration And Invasion Of Colorectal Cancer Cells By Directly Targeting oncomiR-183-5p. Onco Targets Ther. 2019;12:8301

4. Deng X, Ruan H, Zhang X, Xu X, Zhu Y, Peng H, Zhang X, Kong F, Guan M. Long noncoding RNA CCAL transferred from fibroblasts by exosomes promotes chemoresistance of colorectal cancer cells  Int J Cancer. 2019;10.1002/ijc.32608.

5. Huang R, Xu X, Li D, Chen K, Zhan Q, Ge M, Zhou X, Liang X, Guan M.  Digital PCR-Based Detection of EGFR Mutations in Paired Plasma and CSF Samples of Lung Adenocarcinoma Patients with Central Nervous System Metastases. Target Oncol. 2019;14(3):343-350.

6. Ruan H, Deng X, Dong L, Yang D, Xu Y, Peng H, Guan M. Circular RNA circ_0002138 is down-regulated and suppresses cell proliferation in colorectal cancer. Biomed Pharmacother. 2019;111:1022-1028.  

7. Kang Z, Zhu Y, Zhang QA, Dong L, Xu F, Zhang X, Guan M. Methylation and expression analysis of mismatch repair genes in extramammary Paget's disease. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2019;33(5):874–879. 

8. Xu X, Ma X, Zhang X, Cao G, Tang Y, Deng X, Kang Z, Li M, Guan M. Detection of BRAF V600E mutation in fine-needle aspiration fluid of papillary thyroid carcinoma by droplet digital PCR. Clin Chim Acta. 2019 ;491:91-96.  

9. Cao G, Tan C, Zhang Y, Kong X, Sun X, Ma Y, Chen J, Guan M. Digital droplet polymerase chain reaction analysis of common viruses in the aqueous humour of patients with Posner-Schlossman syndrome in Chinese population. Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2019;47(4):513–520

10. Zhang Q, Du Y, Zhang X, Kang Z, Guan M, Wu Z. Comprehensive Validation of Snapback Primer-Based Melting Curve Analysis to Detect Nucleotide Variation in the Codon 12 and 13 of KRAS Gene. Biomed Res Int. 2018 ;2018:8727941. .

11. Tang Y, Shi C, Wu Z, Fan N, Xu X, Kang Z, Zhang X, Ma W, Guan M. A triplex probe-based TaqMan qPCR assay for Calreticulin type I and II mutation detection. Hematology. 2019;24(1):26–31.

12. Zhang X, Jin L, Wu Z, Ma W, Chen Y, Chen G, Wang L, Guan M. Clinical evaluation of a substitute of HLA-B*58:01 in different Chinese ethnic groups. Genet Mol Biol. 2018 ;41(3):578-584.

13. Kong F, Deng X, Kong X, Du Y, Li L, Zhu H, Wang Y, Xie D, Guha S, Li Z, Guan M, Xie K. ZFPM2-AS1, a novel lncRNA, attenuates the p53 pathway and promotes gastric carcinogenesis by stabilizing MIF.  Oncogene. 2018;37(45):5982–5996.

14. Cao G, Kong J, Xing Z, Tang Y, Zhang X, Xu X, Kang Z, Fang X, Guan M. Rapid detection of CALR type 1 and type 2 mutations using PNA-LNA clamping loop-mediated isothermal amplification on a CD-like microfluidic chip. Anal Chim Acta. 2018;1024:123-135.

15. Ma Y, Chen K, Yang Z, Guan M.Targeted sequencing reveals distinct pathogenic variants in Chinese patients with lung adenocarcinoma brain metastases. Oncol Lett. 2018;15(4):4503-4510.

16. Li S, Wu Z, Ma P, Xu Y, Chen Y, Wang H, He P, Kang Z, Yin L, Zhao Y, Zhang X, Xu X, Ma X, Guan M.Ligand-dependent EphA7 signaling inhibits prostate tumor growth and progression. Cell Death Dis. 2017;8(10):e3122.

17. Wang H, Zhang X, Xu X, Zhang Q, Wang H, Li D, Kang Z, Wu Z, Tang Y, An Z, Guan M.A portable microfluidic platform for rapid molecular diagnostic testing of patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms.Sci Rep. 2017;7(1):8596.

18. Kang Z, Xu F, Zhu Y, Fu P, Zhang QA, Hu T, Li X, Zhang Q, Wu Z, Zhang X, Wang H, Xu J, Fang Z, Guan M.Genetic Analysis of Mismatch Repair Genes Alterations in Extramammary Paget Disease. Am J Surg Pathol. 2016;40(11):1517-1525.
